Friday 19 December 2014

Tom and Jerry Cartoon Tales - At Farm

Healthy Food Guide

Staying healthy is life most important task yet it's tough. How can we stop eating junk food when they taste so good? That's what I used to tell everyone who would tell me to lose weight. Until I figure out something. I was getting fatter and I wanted to go back so I made plans.

  1. Stop eating and drinking things that contains SUGAR
  2. Stop eating oily food and snacks
  3. Replace tea, coffee and soda by WATER
These were the baby step I took. I start eating fruits and veggies only. If I would feel hungry I would eat a fruit. Then I started to do exercise 6/7.

  1. Walked for a week (10 to 15 mins)
  2. Then jogged for 2nd week (20 to 25 mins)
  3. The 3rd week I started Kick-boxing (20 to 25 mins)
  4. 4th week I started dancing anything (30 to 40 mins)
By the end of 4 moths I saw results. All the the effort I put was worth it. I lost 10kg. To be healthy and losing weight the only method is by eating and drinking right and a little bit of exercise wouldn't hurt as long as you do it properly.

Monday 15 December 2014

Raven Had A Vision Of Anaconda

Raven had a vision of Nicky Minaj's Anaconda while watching her Super Bass song.

Hilarious Video. 90s kids who are of course adult now will love it.

Make sure you like and share it with your friends. Enjoy!!!

Sunday 14 December 2014

International Christmas And New Year Giveaways (2014 Open)

Doing Christmas and New Year Giveaway.
To participate simply Like, Subscribe and comment.
Giveaway closes 31st Dec 2014.

Scary Spider

Looks like video effect went wrong.

Miranda Sings Twins Niranda?

This girl loves Miranda Sings and mimics her.
Well so far she is the only one who mimics Miranda perfectly.
Oh yeah she named herself Niranda Sings...Now that's cool.


Now that's what I call civilized dog.